Who Brought the Coffee!?!

Rise & Shine Campers!

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year here at #thatcampinglife… 2019 Archery Hunt in Southern Utah! (insert “can I get an AMEN” emoji here) Where the best part of waking up is throwing on your camo, grabbing your coffee, and jumping in the side by side!

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This year we have partnered up with a relatively new company that is literally changing the way you will start your day. SERIOUSLY. Since their Kickstarter Campaign in 2017, this Santa Cruz, CA company is quickly changing the way enjoy our morning cup of joe up on the mountain. Let’s dive right in to it.

Steeped Coffee offers five roasts, with the unique combinations of flavors you are sure to find one to make your taste buds sing. I personally fell for the Sunrise Blend. Light, smooth… tastes buds rejoicing. (I read somewhere along the way that the lighter the coffee the more caffeine, whether or not its true, I tend to be a little bias on the lighter brews!) BUT to be unbiased, I asked the rest of the crew and it was a pretty even split with the Driftwood French Roast on top.

We start our mornings up on the mountain at around 6:00 am. Whether it’s off the hunt, or off to fish you know, we need hot coffee to get us there. We filled up our travel mugs with hot water, put a c-bag in each one, put on the lids and were on our way. The coffee steeps for 5 minutes, that’s it. We even filled up a half-gallon rambler with boiling water, brought extra bags, and enjoyed a second cup while we were out.

Another notable attribute of this brand is their conciseness of our footprint we leave behind. Each coffee bag is made with 100% biodegradable material that can be dropped right in to your garden. THAT’S HUGE. In a world where it seems we create more waste than we can dispose of, this is a game changer that all nature lovers can get on board with.

Now let’s talk cost. Cost is important, and just like with the rest of our camping gear, you get what you pay for. But every once in a while you find that happy medium (like a $200 cooler that works like the $600 cooler). That’s where I would place this coffee. With a 30 pack subscription selling for about $1 a cup (FOR SPECIALTY COFFEE???) you really can’t beat that price. I mean, it tastes more expensive than it is, SCORE! With the variety of subscriptions and kits Steeped coffee offers, you can cater your order to your needs. It’s a no brainer!

Now let’s talk cost. Cost is important, and just like with the rest of our camping gear, you get what you pay for. But every once in a while you find that happy medium (like a $200 cooler that works like the $600 cooler). That’s where I would place this coffee. With a 30 pack subscription selling for about $1 a cup (FOR SPECIALTY COFFEE???) you really can’t beat that price. I mean, it tastes more expensive than it is, SCORE! With the variety of subscriptions and kits Steeped coffee offers, you can cater your order to your needs. It’s a no brainer!

Now let’s talk cost. Cost is important, and just like with the rest of our camping gear, you get what you pay for. But every once in a while you find that happy medium (like a $200 cooler that works like the $600 cooler). That’s where I would place this coffee. With a 30 pack subscription selling for about $1 a cup (FOR SPECIALTY COFFEE???) you really can’t beat that price. I mean, it tastes more expensive than it is, SCORE! With the variety of subscriptions and kits Steeped coffee offers, you can cater your order to your needs. It’s a no brainer!

Now let’s talk cost. Cost is important, and just like with the rest of our camping gear, you get what you pay for. But every once in a while you find that happy medium (like a $200 cooler that works like the $600 cooler). That’s where I would place this coffee. With a 30 pack subscription selling for about $1 a cup (FOR SPECIALTY COFFEE???) you really can’t beat that price. I mean, it tastes more expensive than it is, SCORE! With the variety of subscriptions and kits Steeped coffee offers, you can cater your order to your needs. It’s a no brainer!

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Bottom line… we give this convenient, single serve coffee two thumbs up. Up on the mountain or back and your home base, Steeped Coffee really does live up to the hype.

Check it out at Steepedcoffee.com and TRUST ME on that Sunrise Blend!

AS ALWAYS, like, love, share and comment! And to check our a cool little video we created featuring Steeped Coffee, check us out on insta @thebdubamerican … Thanks for all the support and the love!

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